Fee Free EFTPOS + Qantas Points
Pay no merchant fees and earn Qantas Points with Live Payments Fee Free EFTPOS plan. Extra rewards for your business for no extra work!
Fee Free EFTPOS + Qantas Points

Fee free EFTPOS and Qantas Points on every sale

When you choose Fee Free EFTPOS with Live Payments, your business benefits from no merchant service fees, as these are automatically passed onto the customer via automated surcharging. Additionally, if your monthly turnover exceeds $5,000, you'll pay no terminal rental. This means no transaction fees, no terminal rental*, and you earn 1 Qantas Point for every $25 transacted!

All Major Cards

All Major Cards

Visa, Mastercard, American Express and eftpos. Accept eWallets (Apple Pay, Google Pay™️, Samsung Pay).

Always Connected

Always Connected

All terminals have superior network connection powered by Telstra 4G and Wi-Fi backup.

24/7 Customer Support

24/7 Customer Support

Contact our Customer Service team by phone or email anytime, day or night.

POS Integration

POS Integration

Seamlessly integrate with your POS system via Linkly.

Qantas Points

Qantas Points

More transactions, more rewards. Take advantage of Qantas Points today.

No Lock-in Contract

No Lock-in Contract

We understand that the needs of a small business may change over time; so there is no lock-in contract or exit fees. We stand behind our products and service and are confident you won’t want to leave us.

We are here to help you!

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Fee Free
Per Month

Earn up to 1 Qantas Point per $25

Processing Fee


All Card Types
Customer surcharges apply



*$39 if <$5000 per month

Install Fee


Only for integrated terminals.

All fees are GST inclusive

In-store, Online and everything in between!

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